
Rainbocorns Unicorn Rescue Surprise by ZURU

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $14.99.


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Cuddle and snuggle these fuzzy friends back to health with Rainbocorns Unicorn Rescue! Over in Rainboville some of our friends aren’t feeling too well and need your hugs and kisses to rescue them! Hatch open your Rainbocorn to reveal your poorly plush and over 25 magical surprises! Erase the Unicorn’s magic heart to reveal what’s got your Rainbocorn feeling blue then use the life-saving accessories like healing wand and magical slime slime to nurse them back to health. There are 3 Unicorns in need of recusing, each with 3 new Dr Boo-Boocorns and over 25 surprises. Help heal Rainboville one kiss and cuddle at a time with Unicorn Rescue!

  • Over 25 Surprises to Discover: Rainbocorns Unicorn rescue is packed with over 25 magical surprises to help heal your fuzzy friend. Use the health report, x-ray stickers, magic wand and healing syringes to rescue your Rainbocorn. Need help along the way? There are three brand new Dr. Boo-Boocorns to discover and collect to help you save Rainboville