
Lot de 3 bacs à glaçons avec couvercles hermétiques | Empilables et étanches | Petits glaçons pour boissons fraîches, bourbon, whisky et cocktails

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Made of polyethylene (HDPE), a high-density, BPA-free, food-grade plastic. Unlike silicone and other trivial materials, these ice cube trays are odorless, non-absorbent and super durable.
The ice cube trays are heat resistant and designed to withstand high temperatures. In addition, these trays are stackable, leak-proof and airtight; therefore, they are easy to transport and stack ice cubes neatly.
You can use the trays to freeze water, soft drinks, baby food, smoothie cubes, lemonade, coffee and any other juice. With the locking lid, you can store your frozen contents indefinitely.

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